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"When I returned to the pilot house St. Louis was gone and I was lost.  Here was a piece of river which was all down in my book, but I could make neither head nor tail of it:  you understand, it was turned around. I had seen it when coming up-stream, but I had never faced about to see how it looked when it was behind me.  My heart broke again, for it was plain that I had got to learn this troublesome river both ways..."


Life on the Mississippi by Mark Twain

“By the time we had gone seven or eight hundred miles up the river, I had learned to be a tolerably plucky up-stream steersman, in daylight, and before we reached St. Louis I had made a trifle progress in night-work, but only a trifle.”

What does Mark Twain have to do with landscape lighting ?
Mark Twain and Landscape Lighting

I read Life on the Mississippi in high school and have often thought about this story, in the evening at a client's home, completing adjustments for an outdoor lighting project​.

I can relate to young Sam Clemens, learning to master four different Mississippi rivers as a steamboat pilot: upstream and downstream, day and night.  Similarly, a landscape professional's job is to design a landscape with equal interest in the summer and winter, in daylight and darkness.​

Your Home's Landscape at Night

​​A professional Outdoor Lighting Design will bring your home and landscape to life, at a time when it would normally be hidden from view.  This significantly increases the beauty of your existing landscape and enhances your outdoor lifestyle.

Over the past twenty years, designing and installing landscape projects, I have become increasingly drawn to the eye-catching appeal of landscape lighting.  For much of that time I have studied the many styles of outdoor lighting and how to best transform the evening landscape in both summer and winter.

By designing and installing countless lighting projects, I have developed a philosophy of landscape lighting focused on the pleasing, illuminating effect of your lights, not the source of the light itself.

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